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Functional Capacity Assessment Reports

We can prepare comprehensive functional capacity assessment reports for the NDIS. We compile all information into an in-depth, easy-to-read report. The report evaluates the level of support and types of support required to work towards meaningful goals, carry out daily activities, safely access the community, socialise with others and participate in activities of choice on an equal basis with same-aged peers.


Assessments and Information Gathering

We will liaise with you to hear your story and review reports from your current and past service providers. 

We will conduct The Vineland Assessment, a standardised assessment of adaptive behaviour. This assessment compares the amount of support required to complete everyday tasks to same-

We may assess other areas such as sensory processing, executive functioning, and carer burnout. 

We may also complete data collection on target behaviours.



We will observe you across your everyday environments. This may include home, school, day programs and/or the community. 

The observations allow us to assess your current level of performance and the type and intensity of support you require to complete daily living activities, access the community and interact with peers. 

We make observations across the NDIS focus areas including mobility, self-care, self-management, communication, social interaction and learning.



We provide recommendations for different types of supports. These include support workers to assist completing activities of daily living and to safely access and interact in the community, access to young adult day programs or school holiday programs, care when guardians are unable to, support to locate and coordinate new and existing supports, a  multidisciplinary therapy team to build capacity and learn new skills and a consumables and/or assistive technology budget. 

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